Andrew Appletree’s gritty, whiskey-soaked approach is a blend of hard rock and roots rock truly born of the 1960’s. He uses an all-around somewhat darker, macabre sound that makes his music seem perfectly fit for a musical. The music will endear itself to listeners from the opening notes. Appletree’s voice is pleasantly unpolished, hewn from the rough-shod, working class roots that bore rock in the first place. His voice has a deeper, huskier tone to it like that of Leonard Cohen or Tom Waits.
Hommage is a cover album with hit songs from The Stones, to Springfield, Lou Reed and others. Andrew Appletree even tackles “What A Beautiful World” by Louis Armstrong. Hommage was given the name to commemorate the great songs it is comprised of. Hommage is set for a 4/20/2020 release on his label, Lava Lamp Love Records.


Hommage is a cover album with hit songs from The Stones, to Springfield, Lou Reed and others. Andrew Appletree even tackles “What A Beautiful World” by Lewis Armstrong.

Dragonfly is the 2012 release of Andrew Appletree and the Neptune Riders, and it’s a good one, without doubt. Appletree’s gritty, whiskey-soaked vocals are reminiscent

For a first album, by a non-professional musician, Andrew Appletree displays ample songcraft, a strong grasp of studio dynamics, and an excellent ear for arrangements.

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