
Hommage is a cover album with hit songs from The Stones, to Springfield, Lou Reed and others. Andrew Appletree even tackles “What A Beautiful World” by Lewis Armstrong. Hommage was given the name to commemorate the great songs it is comprised of. Hommage is set for a April 20 2020 release on his label, Lava Lamp Love Records.
Hommage is a defining album for Andrew, as he embarks on yet another musical journey setting his sights towards the sun.

Dragonfly is the 2012 release of Andrew Appletree and the Neptune Riders, and it’s a good one, without doubt. Appletree’s gritty, whiskey-soaked vocals are reminiscent of George Thorogood and the Destroyers and the album itself is full of blues rock guitar chords and
catchy rhythms. Classic rock with a dash of folk, a pinch of punk, and some roots rock is how to best describe Dragonfly, but whatever you want to call it, there is no denying that it simply rocks.

For a first album, by a non-professional musician, Andrew Appletree displays ample songcraft, a strong grasp of studio dynamics, and an excellent ear for arrangements. These songs will appeal to the country and AOR fan who appreciates a strong melody and heartfelt sentiment.